Tag Archives: Aspect Oriented Programming

Aspect Oriented Programming Notes #4 – Proxy Mechanism

In a pure object-oriented sense we are calling a method of an object (Target object). That method has some code which is already in it. Aspect code has to run whenever we call this target method. How is it possible … Continue reading

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Aspect Oriented Programming Notes #3 – Some Additional Info

Reuse Aspect Pointcut Definitions @Pointcut annotation is used for defining a pointcut independently to be reused in multiple advices. Generally, if our pointcuts are shared between multiple aspects, it is better to centralize them in a common class. In this … Continue reading

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Aspect Oriented Programming Notes #2: Setting Up AOP Dependencies and Declaring Aspects, Advices, Pointcuts

An aspect is a Java class that modularizes a set of concerns (e.g., logging or transaction management) that cuts across multiple types and objects. Java classes that modularize such concerns are decorated with the @Aspect annotation. In AOP terminology, aspects … Continue reading

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Aspect Oriented Programming Notes #1: The Concepts

Not just a feature that Spring provides, it’s a model of programming itself. (It’s functional programming) When you writing in such languages you think of a problem and then you break it down into different functions. Each function accomplishes a … Continue reading

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